Nurturing Strong Foundations | Atawahi Tuapapa

Parent information to help you settle in

We welcome new parents to our centres and provide useful resources, permission slips and other information to help you and your child settle in.

You can return here to download or view information which is regularly updated.

Family Information

When you enrol we provide this sheet to help us get to know your child, what their favourite things are and anything they may need help with. A great activity sheet to fill in together.

The Christian Values Curriculum is part of ‘Shines Special Character’ and children are given the opportunity to visit the Atrium once a week for approximately 30-45 minutes. (The Atrium is the name of the room used for the Christian Values Programme).

Parents are asked to sign permission on behalf of their child to participate in this aspect of Curriculum.

Practical Information

This pdf indicates the programme breakdown of a typical day.

Download the Daily Programme PDF

A small backpack containing:
In Summer
A Sun Hat – named

In Winter
A warm hat and jacket – named
Shoes to wear inside & gumboots for outside – named


  1. A named shoebox with a spare set of clothing
  2. A named lunchbox filled with healthy food choices
  3. A small Backpack – named
    Medication if applicable – (a medication form will need
    to be completed with Teachers on first day)
  4. A completed “All about Me” sheet
  5. A signed confirmation slip that you have checked your
    child’s hair for lice and that your child is lice free
  6. Ensure you have banking transfers set up for weekly payments.
  7. A signed permission slip for visiting the Atrium

We recommend that all children’s belongings are clearly
named to ensure your child’s items find their way to back to
their rightful owners.

Download a pdf of the list here.

If you or your child are anxious about their first day, take
some time to settle your child in. Once you have decided it is
time to go, farewell your child and leave promptly as children
get confused if you say goodbye and then linger talking to
the Teacher or another Parent etc. You can phone us anytime
during the day to find out how your child is doing.
Our contact phone number for your convenience is:
04-5699 522.

Health and Wellbeing

We require parents to check for head lice prior to starting at either of our preschool centres.

We will provide a form to bring on your first day.

Download and read the Ministry of Health brochure to understand how to find and treat head lice. 

We provide the Ministry of Health illustrated poster that highlights common infectious diseases. The poster provides easy reference of early symptoms, infectiousness period and when its okay to return to preschool if your child is unwell.

Download the Poster (PDF)

Additional Charges

Our vision at Shine is to provide an optimum learning environment for your child / children and to help us achieve this goal we rely heavily upon your support with optional charges. These charges help cover the following aspects of Curriculum at the Centre:

  • Ongoing Montessori training & equipment for current Teaching staff
  • ‘Special visitors’ to the Centre
  • Some excursions
  • Updating children’s profiles online
  • E-Profiles online
  • Atrium Programme – Christian Values Program
  • Transition to School Programme – Eagles
  • Morning & Afternoon teas
  • After hours Parent Interviews
  • High Staff / Child ratios 1:7 (between 9-3pm)
  • Extra large premises – over and above the Ministry’s requirements

All above expenses incurred by the Centre are not covered by Operational funding from the Ministry of Education.

You should be entitled to claim back a portion of your childcare expenses, for more information please contact your local IRD office.


Thank you so much for all your help and teaching our son Braydon. He has grown so much during his time attending Shine. He is more confident & outspoken, no longer shy but has broken free from his shell into a sociable, happy young boy.