Under 2’s
Full Time
7:30 am to 5:30 pm
5 days
$375 per week
$75.00 per day
Our Terms and conditions of enrolment are as follows:
Under 2s – minimum enrolment 3 days
Occasionally children will remain at Avalon until that are 2.5 years for various reasons. Fees and minimum days remain the same for these tamariki.
10% sibling discount applies.
Work and Income NZ subsidies are available for families on low incomes.
2–3 Years
7:30 am to 5.30 pm
$75 per day**
Food included
3–5 Years
Long Day
7:30 am to 5.30 pm
(10 hours)
$250 per week**
3–5 Years
Short Day Options*
7:30 am to 2.30 pm
8:00 am to 3.00 pm
8:30 am to 3.30 pm
9:00 am to 4.00 pm
9:30 am to 4.30 pm
$175 per week**
Our Terms and conditions of enrolment are as follows:
3-5 years – minimum enrolment 5 days
10% sibling discount applies.
* Any hours outside the above Short Day times are charged @ $60 per hour or part thereof.
**Includes the Government’s 20 ECE hours.
Work and Income NZ subsidies are available for families on low incomes.
We believe that for a child to become familiar with the environment and ensure the best possible learning outcomes, as well as provide opportunity to create solid friendships and a sense of connection, we recommend Shine parents enrol their child or children full time.
Our fun filled days provide children with a positive environment where they can make measurable progress and where social interaction is gently nurtured and encouraged. Children benefit from a slightly longer day, and caregivers know that their child is in a safe, supportive environment. This gives an opportunity to focus on younger siblings or manage other important aspects of family or work life, yet still having lots of quality family time with their child.
We require an enrolment fee of $150 for a single child, $50 for a sibling of an already enrolled child.
This enrolment fee is a non-refundable administration fee.
All fees are to be paid by automatic payment on the Monday of the week following. We use PayPal for secure payments.
Bank details:
Account Name: Shine Montessori Educare
Account No. 06 0529 0749740 00
A 3% surcharge will automatically be added to your payment amount.
Set up your automatic payment:
Work and Income NZ subsidies are available for families on low incomes. To check if you qualify visit the Work and Income website.
For security reasons all fees must be paid by automatic payment directly into the centre’s bank account.
Receipts are issued at the end of the each tax year or as requested.
NB: Fees are to be paid for 52 weeks per year. Fees are required regardless of statutory holidays, illness, family vacation times, or teacher only days (one annually).
Work and Income NZ subsides are available for families on low incomes.
Term 1-2-3 School Holidays
Shine Montessori remains OPEN throughout the first three terms of the school holidays; however, during school holidays the Montessori Curriculum will not operate. A less structured approach to learning is adopted.
Christmas Holidays
We usually remain open throughout the year (except Public holidays). A notice regarding Christmas Opening Hours will be distributed in Term 3.